Al Farabi's book of letter

"The theme of Alfarabi´s Book of Letters (or Book of Particles, see Introduction, pp. 34-37) is the examination of ""in how many ways"" à thing is said to be. Although Alfarabi takes Aristotle´s Metaphysics as his guide and model, he neither adheres to its traditional arrangement nor follows any of the traditional methods of commentary. His work is à free commentary that attempts to seize upon the method and intention of Aristotle´s Metaphysics and develop both in new directions. Two of these are especially noteworthy. First, the discussion of the varieties in the meaning of terms is expanded to include à number of languages (Greek, Syriac, Persian, Soghdian, as well as Arabic) and the activity y of translating from one language into another. Second, such intriguing remarks as those in Metaphysics A. 8. 1074a38-b14 are expanded into à full-fledged account of the origin and development of language, religion, and philosophy, the interaction among them, and the movement of religion and philosophy across national and linguistic boundaries."
"The theme of Alfarabi´s Book of Letters (or Book of Particles, see Introduction, pp. 34-37) is the examination of ""in how many ways"" à thing is said to be. Although Alfarabi takes Aristotle´s Metaphysics as his guide and model, he neither adheres to its traditional arrangement nor follows any of the traditional methods of commentary. His work is à free commentary that attempts to seize upon the method and intention of Aristotle´s Metaphysics and develop both in new directions. Two of these are especially noteworthy. First, the discussion of the varieties in the meaning of terms is expanded to include à number of languages (Greek, Syriac, Persian, Soghdian, as well as Arabic) and the activity y of translating from one language into another. Second, such intriguing remarks as those in Metaphysics A. 8. 1074a38-b14 are expanded into à full-fledged account of the origin and development of language, religion, and philosophy, the interaction among them, and the movement of religion and philosophy across national and linguistic boundaries."
Nb Page 251
Dimensions 0 cm x 0 cm x 0 cm
Couverture Broché
Date de Parution 1 janv. 2004
Editeur Dar Al-Machreq - Beyrouth Editions
Poids 0.7
EAN13 9782721460196
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Al Farabi's book of letter